5 Topics You Should Think About

There is so much going on in the world nowadays. We may not even be in the know about most of them. And sometimes, we have the tendency to ignore things that don’t necessarily relate to us. We don’t want to think about it, know more about it, have anything to do with it.We want to live in our own little worlds, with our own problems and solutions. Willingly or unwillingly, there are some things that influence our lives. I believe there are some topics that warrant all of our thoughts. It thus becomes important to be in the know and have our own thoughts on certain topics that are shaping the world today..

The power of a single thought can be transformed to collective thoughts that can change directions.Here are 5 topics that I believe every human should have thoughts on:

  1. Religion – Think about what Religion means to you (not WHICH religion); what God means or does not mean to you, what do you expect by following a religion.
  2. Abortion – You may have nothing to do with this, But what are your views on pro-life, pro-choice. For some, this has a close tie to religion.
  3. Artificial Intelligence -The impact of artificially intelligent devices in our lives. Think about Pros and Cons. Where and when would you draw a line?Would you draw a line at all?
  4. Relationships – Your views on same gender marriage
  5. Identity – Your views on choosing your physical body.
The important things to note here :
– There is no right or wrong. Your thoughts are yours and yours only! You can share them. It only becomes wrong when you start imposing your thoughts on someone else. Sharing is acceptable but imposing is not!Why these topics?

  • Religion – is an evergreen topic from time immemorial. It brings people together, gets them to do constructive or destructive things and gives people HOPE. Knowing where you stand on this spectrum is vital to you as an individual as it is part of the foundation of your life.
  • Abortion – Having the power to bring forth or destroy a LIFE. Where you stand on this topic is important again in your views of how you value life and the power of the choices we make.
  • Artifical Intelligence – The pervasive nature of technology in all aspects of our life just cannot be ignored anymore. Decades ago, what we admired in a sci-fi movie is staring us in our faces today. We are so dependent on some of these devices already. Self-guided cars to self-healing robots are all in existence today. The plausibility of AI overtaking mankind is seriously being discussed by some leading AI experts. Check out Stephen Hawkings views on this here. Another leading expert, Ray Kurzweil predicts that by 2029 AI will match human intelligence. Thats just 14 years away!! Check out the article here . As we move into such a technologically driven world, it is vital to be in the know and have thoughts on AI.
  • Relationships – June 2015 will go down as a notable date in history when the US Supreme Court ruled for same sex marriages. Many other countries will follow suit soon. This significantly changes the picture of couples and families. If you are a parent, you may already be getting questions about mommy my friend has 2 mommies or 2 daddies etc…Again, important to have your thoughts on relationships of all kinds.
  • Identity – We hear enough stories about emotional identity crisis on a daily basis. People are searching for who they are, what they are, why they are here and so on. To add to this mix, we now have the option to change our physical identity as well. Again, stories are abundant on this topic. The latest one on Bruce Jenner/Caitlyn Jenner has been catching the news quite a lot. Again, the day is not far when this may be commonplace as well. A ‘he’ today maybe a ‘she’ tomorrow. Again, remember, the discussion is not about whether someone did the right thing. Think about how you feel about your identity and what your identity is comprised of.

All these are things happening around us. You do not have to be an active participant necessarily in any of these, but having your thoughts gathered is vital to identifying what you value in your life. After all, our values are KEY to LIVING LIFE FULL OUT!

Do you agree with this list of topics? Are there anymore that you think are important. Would love to hear.



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