The Ailment That You Possibly Suffer From…

This is an ailment that affects millions of us and yet we may not even be aware of its existence. It is in our brains constantly and causes us angst on a daily basis. It affects the people around as well. What is it you ask? It is the Lack Way of Thinking!!!

For a long time, I was stuck in a lack thinking cycle. Especially when it came to knowledge. No matter how much I learnt, I had the belief that it was not enough. (The 2 Master’s degrees and the tons of other courses and certifications speak to it!). Similarly, many other people have this lack way of thinking ruling their lives. “I do not have enough money. I do not have enough clothes. I can’t afford this or I can’t do that”. This cycle keeps us rooted in our fears and grounded in our comfort zone. Perhaps stuck in a job that we hate, or a relationship or in a house that doesn’t suit our needs. This lack mindset can affect every aspect of our lives!!

War is an example of lack thinking on a global scale. Capturing other countries and their resources stems from the lack mindset. While we may not be able to impact the global actions immediately, we can start changing ourselves. It is the change in each one of us that can stop horrific actions like war. After all, it is humans that decide and take decisions like war!

How do we splash out of this lack mindset?
If you feel “You ARE not enough” – The answer is simple. It is adopting an ENOUGH mindset. Knowing and trusting yourself is vital in this process of overcoming lack thinking.
  • Know that you have what it takes to get you through a situation.
  • Believe that you will figure things out if and when needed.
  •  Trust that you have all the resources that you need when you need them.

Adopt the motto and the affirmation “I AM ENOUGH”. Three simple but powerful words. Repeat it to yourself as often as you can and mean it when you say it. Believe yourself as you utter the words out loud.

If you feel “You do not HAVE enough“- The Lack thinking may make us feel like we do not have enough or we are lacking thing. Maybe that we are not pretty enough, slim enough, tall enough, fair enough, smart enough, can’t get something right, can’t get anything right and so on. In order to combat this kind of lack thinking, watch this powerful video that brought tears to my eyes. Remember all of us were made the same. We are all physical containers for our thoughts and actions. The containers are the same and serve the single act of helping us get to our purpose and destination. Whether the container is tall or slim or fair or dark does not matter. It has the same unlimited potential as the one next to it. So stop worrying about the container. Focus on the person inside. When you feel like you are lacking in knowledge and skills, go learn it. Again, you have the potential to learn. So instead of staying paralyzed with the thought that you don’t know something, go learn from the people who are doing it or who know it.

In general, the antidote to this lack thinking mindset is the abundance mindset. Believe that you are abundantly blessed. Be happy to be able to see the sunrise every morning. Be happy for any and every blessing in your life, however small it may be. Maintain a sense of gratitude for people in your life. I do not have people in my life you may say. Be grateful for anything that you have, grateful for what you can do, grateful for the ‘riches'(I refer to riches as anything that you may have that another human in the world does not. If you can eat three meals a day, then you are rich!). Follow this truly and daily and see the abundance that pours into your life.

Do you have the lack mindset or the abundance mindset? What makes you go from one to another?Would love to hear.


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