How to get Out of Your Comfort Zone

I just dropped my 22 month old son at daycare. For the first time in his life, he is going

–  to be away from the only few people he knows

–  to be away in a new environment

– to let new people take care of him

– make new friends

– eat in a different setting

– play in a new place

– let new people tell him what is right and wrong

–  to have to start placing his trust on complete strangers

– and let them all into their lives

– and slowly learn that mom and dad will pick him up in a few hours..and life is still fine

As I watch him from a neighboring class room, as he tries to control his crying and start trusting this new place and new people, I am overcome by a mix of guilt, confusion, sadness and hope. Am I doing the right thing as a mother in dropping him off at a daycare? Am I using myriads of reasons to convince myself that I am doing the right thing or is it truly valid? It is true that millions of mothers all over the world do this, but still is this truly in the best interest of my child? And the biggest truth staring me in my face was…

Does a 22 month old child have to be subject to a huge stretch outside of his comfort zone? How is it that I am able to validate the reason why he needs to be out of his comfort zone at such a young and tender age? While I hesitate and take my own sweet time to even begin to take on a teeny-weeny stretch task? If as humans we are built to adapt to new situations, new environments and new people even as a baby, then how come as adults we are more scared and terrified than ever to do even the smallest task out of our comfort zone?

I know he will slowly adapt and adjust and accept the new way of life because he has no other choice…So in life, when we are faced with a task or situation that requires us to stretch out of our comfort zone, the best way to succeed is to act like there IS NOT OTHER CHOICE.

That phone call that you have been dreading to make, act like that is the last call you will ever make;

The conversation with a dear one that you have been putting off, act like this is the only chance you ever get to speak to him/her;

The dream that you have been putting off for too long, act like the fate of the world or your own fate depends on the success of that dream;

the job that you’ve been waiting to quit, go do it today..

Take the leap, stretch out of your comfort zone. Remember if a baby can do it, YOU CAN TOO!!!


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